I have worked successfully in Catholic education since 1983 as teacher in Catholic comprehensive schools up to and including senior level, as an assistant director of education for a Catholic diocese and as an education consultant. Currently, I am on three Governing Bodies, two primary and one secondary.
I am a broadly-skilled and highly experienced education leader, with a track record of collaborating with education institutions to deliver substantial improvements. I thrive on supporting schools, academies and multi-academy trusts to evolve and overcome challenges they face. I am a personable leader with excellent communication skill
I am a broadly-skilled and highly experienced education leader, with a track record of collaborating with education institutions to deliver substantial improvements. I thrive on supporting schools, academies and multi-academy trusts to evolve and overcome challenges they face. I am a personable leader with excellent communication skills and a keen interest in supporting colleagues in Catholic education, particularly where there are issues which need to be addressed.
In addition to my passion for Catholic education I have passion for music, an accomplished recitalist and currently Director of Music for the local Parish Church, I engage with composition and teach voice and piano privately. Outside of this I have an allotment and thoroughly enjoy cooking.
In our world in the 21st Century Catholic education faces many challenges, and yet, Catholic education in the United Kingdom is relatively young. I offer training specifically geared to those who work within Catholic Education. The training serves to respond to the challenges faced by those who work in Catholic education, and offer strategies to overcome those challenges, turning them into strengths.
I offer training covering many areas in Catholic education including Canonical (Section 48) inspection; aspiring to leadership, Catholicism for beginners; the distinctive nature of Catholic education and developing liturgy in schools.
I offer training for Catholic school governors exploring what it means to be a Foundation governor in a Catholic school, spirituality for school governors, the process to appoint senior leaders, effective school governance and the responsibilities of being a Chair of Governors in a Catholic school
I know and understand that education budgets are very tight and therefore fees for the training offered are negotiable.
Crawley, Crawley, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom
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